Saturday, January 19, 2013

Writing Ancient Religion

Olympian Apollo

Why is it that a lot of writers steer clear of ancient religious practices in fiction?

Is it because it is awkward and clashes with their own, modern beliefs? Or perhaps it’s because they don’t feel comfortable writing about something so strange, practices they really know very little about?

There is a lot of good fiction set in the ancient world and I am always trying to find new novels to entertain and transport myself. One thing I’ve noticed is that when it comes to the religious practices of ancient Greeks and Romans, they are often (not always) portrayed as half-hearted, greeted with a good measure of pessimism. It might be a passing nod to a statue of a particular god or goddess, or a comment by the protagonist that he or she was making an offering even though they didn’t think it would do any good.

Now, I’m not full of religious fervour myself; it’s difficult for anyone who has studied history in depth to be so. However, I see the value of it and respect its meaning for people across the ages. Religion is not necessarily at the forefront of our thoughts in modern, western society, but, in the ancient and medieval worlds, faith was often foremost in people’s thoughts.

It is easy, blinded by hindsight, to dismiss ancient beliefs in the gods and goddesses of our ancestors.

As a writer, why would I want to dismiss something that is so important to the period in which my novels take place, something so important to the thoughts and motives of my characters?

Goddess Demeter - Elefsis Museum
People in ancient Greece and Rome (for example) believed in a vast pantheon of gods and goddesses who governed every aspect of life. From the emotions one felt or the lighting of a family hearth fire, to the start of a business venture or a soldier’s march to battle, most people held their gods and goddesses close. Indeed, there was a god or goddess with accompanying rituals for almost everything.

Religion enriches the ancient world in historical fiction and sets it apart from today, transports the reader to a world that is foreign and exotic. And the beauty is that there is so much mystery, so little known, that the writer can spread his or her creative wings.

Of course, it’s always important to do as much research as possible; if the primary texts don’t tell you much then look to the paintings on ceramics, wall frescoes, statues and other carvings. If you can get to the actual sanctuaries of the ancient world, even better, for they are places where even the most sceptical person can feel that there is (or was) indeed something different going on.

With the Eagles and Dragons series, I wanted to do something different by having my main characters in close touch with the gods of their ancestors. Since it is historical fantasy, I can get that much more creative in having Lucius Metellus Anguis interact with his patron god, Apollo. In fact, Apollo, Venus and others have a clear role to play and are characters themselves.

The beautiful thing about the gods of ancient Greece and Rome is that they are almost human, prone to the same emotions, the same prejudices that we are. From a certain point of view, they are more accessible.

The Pythia of Delphi
Despite this however, their worship, be it Apollo, Venus, Magna Mater, Isis, Jupiter, Mithras or any other, is still shrouded in mystery, clouded by the passage of time. Thousands and thousands of ancient Greeks and Roman flocked to Elefsis to take part in the mysteries dedicated to Demeter and Persephone but little is known because devotees were sworn to secrecy. Oaths then were ‘water-tight’ as the saying went. Also, at one point, most of the Roman army worshiped Mithras, the Persian Lord of Light and Truth. Do we know much about Mithraism? Some, but there is still much that is not known and perhaps never will be. I get into Mithraism in IMMORTUI.

In Eagles and Dragons Book II, Killing the Hydra (coming this Spring), some of the characters pay a visit to the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi, which was still revered in the Roman Empire. Today, if you watch a documentary on Delphi, you will hear about how the oracle was used by politicians to deliver fabricated answers to those seeking the god’s advice. It is true that politics and religion in the ancient and medieval worlds were frequent bedfellows but one can not dismiss the power of belief and inspiration. If the Athenians had not received the famous answer from the Delphic Oracle about being saved by Athens’ ‘wooden walls’, then they might not have had such a crushing naval victory over the Persians at Salamis.

Temple of Apollo, Delphi
There is a lot of room for debate on this topic and many, I suspect, will feel strongly for or against the exploration of ancient religion in fiction. If we feel inclined to dismiss ancient beliefs, to have our characters belittle them, to explain them away, we must ask ourselves why.

Do we dismiss ancient beliefs because we think they are silly, quaint, barbaric or false? Or do we stay away from them because we just don’t understand? Taking an interest in them, giving them some space on our blank pages, doesn’t mean we dismiss our own beliefs, it just means that we are open-minded and interested in accurately portraying the world about which we are writing.

For me, my own field of fiction is quite vast and multi-hued. Like the Roman Empire, all gods and goddesses are welcome to be a part of the whole and it is my hope that, being inclusive, my stories will be more interesting, more true to life, more mysterious. 


Li said...

Interesting questions. I like historical fiction, but your work is really the only exposure to a history so far removed. Although I did read Gods and Heroes I don't count that as "fiction". And I remember the Star Trek episode with Apollo as one of my favorites.

I'll be looking back through your blog for suggestions to further reading. And of course, once I finish Children of Apollo, I'll be looking towards Immortui.

Unknown said...

Hi Li,

I hope you like Children of Apollo. It is indeed an interesting discussion when it comes the depth of religious belief in the ancient world. Opinions are quite divided and figuring it out can be like trying to decipher the Pythia's riddles. It's all an adventure!
I haven't seen the Star Trek episode with Apollo so my interest in piqued. Was it the original series, Next Generation or another one?
This coming spring, Eagles and Dragons Book II, Killing the Hydra, will be coming out so stay tuned. A sequel to Immortui will also be release later in the year.
Thanks for reading.

Charmaine Clancy said...

Some of my favourite fiction has exposed me to belief systems of other cultures and times. You're right, there's not enough of this coming forward now. Fiction is a great medium for educating on history.

Unknown said...

I agree, Charmaine. One book that comes to mind for me that explores ancient religion a bit is Ursula K. Le Guin's 'Lavinia'. It is historical fantasy, so beautifully written.
I absolutely agree that fiction is a great medium for educating folks, young and old, on history. In all my courses over the years, never was there historical fiction on the reading list. Steven Saylor is a great example of how the history in fiction can be accurate and yet highly entertaining. Cheers!

Li said...

Hi Adam,

The Star Trek episode with Apollo was in the original series, and it's written up in Wikipedia at

Also, I just finished Children of Apollo, and yes I liked it very much.

Unknown said...

Hi Li,

I checked out a bit of the 'Who Mourns for Adonais?' episode on YouTube (only part of it is posted). Great stuff! Apollo throwing lighting at the Starship Enterprise! Shame about his temple :) I'll keep looking for the complete episode.

I'm glad you enjoyed Children of Apollo! Do spread the word if you know like-minded readers. Book II, Killing the Hydra, will be out some time this Spring. Things will definitely pick up in the sequel so stay tuned.

Cheers and thanks for reading!